It gets really frustrating for me to try to figure out what's going on (in terms of the election) Every station has it's side, and it so rare to find someone that is actually fair and balanced. That's why it's up to the viewer do determine the real facts - which can be difficult at times.
What do I do? Number one I listen closely and figure out when these stupid left or right wing people are taking sides. Sometimes it's quite obvious, sometimes you need to pay close attention. Number 2 listen to what both sides have to say. Yes watch both Fox News and MSNBC, and try to figure out the center line. Yes I'll admit there are some fair and balanced people, but not only are they hard to find, sometimes it's good to get all 3 sides of the story!
You can try to come up with your own way of figuring out this election, but just don't take a side and stick to it (That's what I did just a few weeks ago) I discovered that both sides stretch the truth, and now I'm open to both candidates ideas. Hopefully you can be too!
Interesting article that basically says the point I'm trying to get across.
why do you like Sarah Palin? and why do you think obama is the best
I agree that both sides can twist the truth and I admire the fact that you're willing to do reserch on your own to find the real story.
You are completly right most stations are full of complete bias and try to pass on thier ideas on who to vote for on to the viewer
i totally agree, it really is hard to find non biased information about the candidates these days with all the media.
everything is biased when it comes to politics, we just have to deal with it.
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