Chapter 4: 10-27-08, Page 24
"Fifty of them!" the man still shouted, while his wife struggled to tug him back to the safety of the trees. "Five! One would have saved us!" (Referring to how the Spartans could have saved the city)
The above quote shows the deep belief in the Spartans amongst the Greeks. This man believed a single Spartan could have prevented an entire city from entering collapse. Obviously the Greeks worshiped their warriors. I was amazed. It's very interesting how they are treated like gods, and how the boy all wanted to grow up to be just like them.
Chapter 5: 10-27-08, Page 37
"Oh God," my cousin said when she saw my hands.
What amazed me was up until this sentence I did not imagine his hands were in as bad condition as they were. I thought this for several reasons. For starters he cried the entire time. Yes I sympathize for him because he's only ten years old. In addition he didn't describe his hands in detail. At this sentence, the very last sentence of the chapter, I knew his hands would play a big role in the following chapters, and that they were badly hurt. Amazing how throwing in another person's words can really just stop you and make you think.
Chapter 6: 10-27-08, Page 39
"I would never hold a spear nor grip a sword."
I personally have never held a spear or sword, and I don't care. This devastated the boy, and made him want to die. This really shows you how much ancient Greece put an emphasis on being a solider/ warrior. It was every boy's dream to grow up and become a Spartan fighter. Today war is considered to many as an evil thing, something that should never happen (Why do you think Bush's approval rating is so low?) We fortunately still honor those who serve our country. Today children want to be anything from doctors to firefighters (above picture) and even lawyers. It's amazing how things change.
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