Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thankfulness (If that's a word)

Since it is Thanksgiving weekend I thought I would post about what I am thankful for.

I am thankful for (Drum Roll)......... the Rice Crispies I'm eating right now. Well actually they're a little soggy but it's ok, because I know there are so many people in foreign countries and right here starving with little to nothing to eat. All I had to do is go to my kitchen, grab a bowl, put the rice crispies in, and pour some milk. I actually would have had toast but we were out of bread. See all I need to do is go to the store and buy bread. Some countries don't even have bread in their stores. Heck some places don't even have stores.

The point is, I am grateful for the luxuries in my life. Sorry If it sounded like I was mocking the whole idea of being thankful, it's just what I do. So go out there and be thankful, whether it's the Computer, Phone, iPhone (It's not just a phone!) PSP, etc. that you're reading this on, the house you're in (You shouldn't be reading this at work!), or whatever! Just find something to be thankful for.

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