"Beginning as soon as you can, prepare a meal at least once a week with only homegrown vegetables, fruit, herbs, eggs, dairy products or meat, using as few store bought ingredients as possible."
Sounds easy? Compare that to the lifestyle of the Dervaes family's homestead in Los Angeles, California.
What strikes me about the Deravaes' documentary is how delicious everything looks. The vegetables were crunchy, the bread toasty warm. What simply amazed me the most though was how someone can live in the middle of Los Angeles without a job.
I think the Dervaes’ family had a Needs vs. Wants sheet it would look like my sheet held in front of a mirror. (There would be more needs than wants). This is because in their home they don't seem to have anything that seems unnecessary (With the exception of their refrigerator, which is energy efficient).
The Dervaes family fits into what we are studying in My Ishmael because they are living with a supply of food that suits their needs instead of a surplus. This makes it so they don't spend their entire day working just to suit our society's desires.
This family did something I never knew existed. Before I watched this video I wasn't able to imagine a way to live in an urban society and not contribute like everyone around you in order to survive.
(Here is the link for the 100 foot diet challenge discussed at the beginning)
(Copy and paste the URL into your web browser)
I like how you started the blog with a quote, it really helped me connect the documentary to the outside world.
Everything did look awesome 8D
It's really great to see things like that isn't it XD
Your image of the needs vs. wants sheet in the mirror was an interesting way to compare yours vs. theirs.
I like how you described the veggies & toast. I also like how you make your Introductions interesting.
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