Tuesday, August 26, 2008

30 Things You Don't Know About Me

1. I like Jeans
2. I have no sisters
3. I hate Target
4. I love Wal-Mart
5. I love shopping for school supplies :)
6. My first school choice was HTHMA
7. I hate Jonas Brothers
8. I enjoy sleeping
9. I don't like pajamas, I sleep in shorts
10. I enjoy ocean swimming
11. Surfing is boring
12. I like to eat bread
13. I really like Jack In the Box French Fries
14. I don't really like Elmo (Even though I have a picture of him on here)
15. I went to HTM for 2 years
16. I don't like walking up the HTHMA stairs
17. I am inspired by any type of speech
18. I get bored fast if I have nothing to do
19. I like watching debates (any kind)
20. One of my heroes is Hillary Rodham Clinton
21. I am privileged to have an education
22. I hate camping
23. I love San Diego
24. I lived in San Diego my whole life
25. I have 2 brothers
26. I have a dog
27. The furthest I traveled is Hawaii
28. I want to see New York
29. Urban landscapes inspire me
30. I have a difficult time coming up with 30 things about me


Ms. Charlotte said...

That's cool your first choice was HTHMA! HTHMA por vida!

Is Hillary Clinton really a personal hero of yours?

niia G said...

heey i like jack in a box fries too(: lol

Ciara said...

Hey Target is cool!
And I like your picture!

Anonymous said...

i like yours its pretty entertaining